Heart Rate Variability in Bloomington IL

Heart rate variability in Bloomington IL is considered to be the gold standard measurement of your level of health and adaptability. The autonomic nervous system is composed of two branches, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic.
The sympathetic arm, better known as the “fight or flight” division of the nervous system, is dedicated towards preparing the body for immediate action due to a perceived threat (tiger attack, natural disaster, etc.). The parasympathetic, also known at the “rest and digest” division controls our healing, growth, and repair physiology.
What is Heart rate variability in Bloomington IL?
Your heartbeat exhibits variability from beat to beat that is dependent upon autonomic balance. Essentially, the lower your variability, the less resilient and/or adaptable you are, indicating a higher susceptibility to the development of chronic dis-ease, including:
- Metabolic disease
- Heart conditions (ie high blood pressure)
- Pulmonary conditions
- Kidney issues
Higher variability indicates the opposite: better adaptability and higher resiliency. This means you have greater ability to adapt to change and stress, and when exposed to such stressors you have a quicker recovery time than those with lower variability.
Heart Rate Variability is extremely beneficial as it is an accurate depiction of your overall level of health and well being. The environment, the way we think, move, eat, and feel (emotions) directly influence the function of our nervous system. We utilize Heart Rate Variability within our practice to broaden our comprehensive perspective of your current state of health, in order to make appropriate recommendations to obtain your goals. We look at the whole being (mind, body, emotion…) with the intention of establishing true health and harmony.
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
7:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm
By Appointment Only
Saturday & Sunday
Kabir Center For Health
2412 E Washington St #9a
Bloomington, IL 61704